
Is drinking alcohol a sin?

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I tell you, the Kingdom has no appearance; the Kingdom of God is the way of being and being from Heaven in us (Romans 14:17). When a poor person leaves his poor country for another, considered the most developed in the world, he adopts the way of being and being of that country. So also be it with you who left the world for the Kingdom.

Notice that if the miserable person, in his country, consumed a certain type of drink, when he arrives in the developed country, he starts consuming the drink brands of that country. You are citizens of the world and now you are citizens of the Kingdom; I beg you not to import drinks from the world into the Kingdom, but consume the Kingdom drink: the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).

I don't care if drinking alcohol is a sin or not. I think it is futile to join this debate, so I refrain from answering whether it is a sin or not. I just teach you that the Devil, opponents of Christians, is around looking for someone to destroy (1 Peter 5: 8); and the way we have to protect ourselves is to close every window that the Enemy can use to destroy us; we protect ourselves by not giving it a place (Ephesians 4:27).

translated by SOTRA

Alcohol consumption is an open window through which the Devil can enter the day he wants to destroy our life. So does the devil. As a person is a moderate consumer of alcohol, the Enemy creates a disorderly appetite in the person, and then slaughter him (Colossians 3: 5). When you have the window open it is a matter of time, the day the Devil decides to destroy you will destroy you.

So I begged you to adopt the way of being and being of the Kingdom, consumed the drink of the Kingdom. Whoever consumes the Holy Spirit edifies himself and others, as he gets closer to God, since the drunkenness resulting from this drink leads us to speak psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, and to boldly announce the virtues of Jesus Christ , either with closed mouth or with open mouth (Ephesians 5: 18-21; Acts 2).

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