Deserto da Judeia

Come and meet my Bishop

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The society and people are cruel. They act based on their interests. As long as you have nothing to give to the society, it doesn’t care for you. They run and when you're in front of them they step on you. They only pay attention when you can give them something.

But I know someone who looks at you, even though you have nothing to give. He looks for you in the most nauseating trash in the world. And still take you in His arms and treat you with love and delicacy. Nobody has the same love. His name is Jesus.

My heart hurts when someone hopes to be right to come to Christ. He didn't come for the right ones; He didn’t come for the healthy in spirit; He didn’t come for the pure (Matthew 9:12). My Bishop Jesus Christ is the water that came down from heaven to wash us.

Let me tell you a secret. Between one person who killed 500 people and another who killed three people, my Bishop Jesus prefers to forgive who killed 500 people (Luke 7: 40-43). The most forgiven loves his master more than the least forgiven.

There were many people that Jesus could use as a vessel to carry His name before us Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. However, my Bishop chose to forgive Saul, the persecutor of the church, a man who breathed threats and deaths against Jesus' disciples.

Even Ananias was goofy when Jesus told him to anoint Saul. My Bishop's mercy exceeds our understanding. Ananias said, "Lord, I’ve heard many people talk about the terrible things this man has done to your saints in Jerusalem" (Acts 9:13). But Jesus said: do what I say, this is my chosen vessel to suffer for my name’s sake (Acts 9: 15-16).

Why did Jesus forgive Saul? For a very simple reason, the most forgiven love their master more. When you hurt someone badly and that person decides to forgive you, your submission to that person's wishes is greater. That is why Paul was the hardest-working apostle (1 Corinthians 15:10). My Bishop knows the secret of forgiveness. That is why He doesn’t spare when it comes to mercy.

translated by SOTRA

We are in the acceptable year of the Lord! Jesus doesn’t condemn your condition, rather forgives you and pour out grace upon you to testify about Him. My Bishop is with open arms and relieves anyone who feels tired and oppressed (Matthew 11:28). He also teaches how tolive in order to go to heaven (Ephesians 5: 25-27).

This Bishop is not just anybody. He doesn’t come from Mozambique; He doesn’t come from Brazil; He doesn’t come from Germany; He doesn’t come from China ... This Bishop comes from Heaven. He who receives Him is given the power to be made a son of God and sees His glory (John 1: 12-14).

My Bishop is the only one who knows the way to go to God (John 14: 6), for a very simple reason: God is in Heaven sitting on the globe of the earth (Isaiah 40:22) and it was from there that Jesus came down to live with us (John 16:28). The greatest proof that He knows the way, is that not only He descended, but also ascended and now sits at the Father's right hand (Mark 16:19).

My Bishop is the only one who has the real project of your life. He knew you before He formed you in your mother's womb. And before you were born, sanctified you with the work of the cross and designed the project of your life (Jeremiah 1: 5). You need to be in Him to receive (John 15: 5).

In May 2018, in the morning (it was a Saturday), I went down Filipe Samuel Magaia Avenue. The avenue was empty, it was still very early, I was coming back from the vigil. In order not to feel alone, I started to pray silently while walking. We were still preparing ourselves to open this site.

While praying I felt small for a website like this. I asked God "why me, Lord?" I made a list of people that I thought were capable of doing this job. I was saying the names and in the end I said something like this "I converted before yesterday, I'm actually nothing". As soon as I finished saying this, The Holy Spirit spoke in my heart, and said: "That's right".

The secret is to be nothing. Before yesterday I didn’t know how to read the Bible, today they say that I am a writer and journalist of the Key of David [laughs ...]. I laugh because I know that I am really nothing, what they are saying is my Bishop's way of giving me morale. My Bishop knows how to fondle His sheep.

Today I came to tell you that you are nothing and have nothing to give to the society; you who feel most errant and wicked in your family; you who feel dirty and incorrect; you who sit in the most nauseating dump on the continent ... My Bishop is willing to be your Bishop.

My Bishop Jesus Christ, the High Shepherd, is available to guide your life towards Heaven. Enter His herd! Let Jesus be the Shepherd and Bishop of your soul (1 Peter 2: 25b). Come back to Him! If you are that person who wants to return, click here to say the prayer of acceptance. This is the first step and through it you open the door for Jesus to enter in your life.

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2025-02-26 23:28

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