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Christian clothing

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It said, in the text published yesterday, that the Kingdom of God is the way of being and being. This has to do with identity. God has always been concerned with how we present ourselves.

The first sign that God is concerned with our dress was in the Garden of Eden. After Adam and Eve sinned, they sewed fig leaves and made aprons for themselves (Genesis 3: 7); and God, before casting out of the garden, made fur tunics and clothed them (Genesis 3:21). The Lord God was teaching in a practical way that it is indecent to cover nudity with aprons made of fig leaves.

The priority for Heaven is honour and glory (Psalm 8: 5). This is what has value to the Heavens. It's not just wearing something out there; it's not just taking aprons that go to these stores and putting them on; your body deserves much more. You must not dress; Christian must adorn the body.

The apostle Paul says "women dress [adorn] themselves in honest dress, with modesty and modesty" (1 Timothy 2: 9). There are three qualities that a Christian's clothing should have: honesty; modesty; and simplicity.

I believe that we all understand about honesty and simplicity. When it comes to modesty it refers to the fact that your nakedness is hidden; it is not convenient for a Christian woman or man to expose his nakedness or traits in public, because it brings dishonour. The dress that Adam and Eve made was honest and simple, but there was no shame, so God made tunics for them.

translated by SOTRA

Anyone who reads I Timothy 2: 9 completely it comes it this way: "May women likewise dress in honest dress, with modesty and modesty, not with braids, or with gold, or pearls, or precious dresses." We must pay attention to the Portuguese language here, otherwise we will tell every woman not to braid [laughs]. The final part of Paulo's placement has to do with the context that was lived at the time. First he gives the three qualities of Christian attire and then tries to explain what kind of simplicity and modesty he is referring to.

As Paul was recommending that the Christian costume had to be simple and modest, he ended by saying “not with braids or with gold, or pearls, or precious dresses”… The idea was to reinforce that the Christian costume has to be simple and not luxurious; modest and not indecent. The mentions also mean that simplicity and modesty must be judged according to the local culture. What is simple and modest in Europe can be indecent in Asia. There are countries where it is indecent for women to expose their hair in public, but there are others where it is normal. What Paul says is that when choosing the costume we must always prefer what is honourable for such a culture.

This business of simple and non-luxurious attire did not start with Paul, Jesus himself taught this by saying, “You have no gold, silver or copper, in your belts; nor saddlebags [a type of purse] for the way, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff, because the worker of his food is worthy ”(Matthew 10: 9-10).

The world has evolved in such a way that having a bag of saddlebags is no longer a luxury; walking in sandals is not a luxury ... so we don't necessarily have to fixate on objects, but keep in mind that we have to have simple, honest clothes, and that totally hide our nakedness (modesty). Beloved, take the malice out of your wardrobes to honour and glorify God with your dress.

This does not mean that God will stop listening to your prayer or bless you because of the size of your skirt, which exposes the size of your buttocks and the type of underwear for the day. Jesus endured the pain of a cross; it is not the size of your skirt that will prevent you from relating to yourself.


God is like a Father who gathers his children and says “little children, I like it when my children dress in such a way; whoever wants to please my heart, dress like this”; when children follow the taste, the Father rejoices; when the children do not follow, the Father does not expel from home, he only supports, because whoever loves everything supports (I Corinthians 13: 7). But one thing I say to you, my brothers, there is no better thing than to do something to please God.

In fact, brothers, Jesus did not come up with a list of deprivations for our lives; rather, he came to teach us the way to have access to God of Israel and to have a pleasant fellowship with Him; Jesus gives us the way to not sadden God and have a healthy relationship with Him (Ephesians 4:30). If you want to please God with your dress, have honest clothes, with modest simplicity.

A Christian does not dress like an old man, but rather shows his beauty and beauty within honesty, modesty and simplicity. I didn't want to be recognized as hot, this is "volatile" ... I wanted to be beautiful and beautiful as the Bible recognizes Rebeca, Rachel, Esther (Esther 2: 7). You who accepted Jesus are children of God and there is much beauty in you, each one for every taste; let no one be left behind, because it is important that everyone sees your beauty and beauty for the glory of God the Father.

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