Deserto da Judeia

Beloved Herd!

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Whoever wants to face life in a useful way needs to know himself. From the moment we know who we are, we come to know how to approach or face the struggles of life. We don’t fully know who we are. However, the Word of God - which reveals us in part - gives us a starting point. And today it wants to reveal who you are.

The Bible says that we (Men) are sheep of the great Shepherd Jesus Christ (Psalm 23: 1; Hebrews 13:20). As we are sheep, we need someone to come before us; that person must be able to get us in and out (Numbers 27: 16-17). When that person doesn´t exist in our life, we are sheep without Shepherd.

According to Matthew 9:36, two things characterize our lives when we have no pastor.A sheep without a shepherd has a perverted and wandering life. It is not Man’s will to be wicked and wandering,this is lack of a pastor.

I said: It is not woman’s will to sleep with a multitude of men around, this is lack of a pastor; It is not man’s will to sexually sweep girls from the city, this is lack of a pastor; it is not teenager’s will to get pregnant around, this is lack of a pastor; it is not son’s or daughter’s will to disrespect or dishonour their parents, this is lack of a pastor; it is not Man’s will to kill another Man, this is  lack of a pastor; it is not the will of any married person to commit adultery, this is lack of a pastor ...

If you look at your life and see the materialization of perverse and wandering wills ... today I came to tell you that this is not your will, it was the Enemy who sowed (Matthew 13:25). Because your true will is to be an honourable and perfect person ... That is what you want.

translated by SOTRA

But I have good news for you! The great Shepherd has arrived and is at the door of your life! This Shepherd is greater than the Enemy! Nothing is impossible for Him! He has a large herd, and knows each sheep by the name and gives VIP treatment to each sheep! This Shepherd teaches how to be an honourable and crowned person! He teaches with love and doesn’t condemn anyone!

The Shepherd of whom I speak, doesn’t let His sheep lack pasture; He sacrifices His life for the sheep; leads gently to peaceful streams; guides in the paths of righteousness. When you have this Shepherd, even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, there is no reason for you to be afraid because He protects you (Psalms 23: 1-4; John 10:11).

It is the same pastor of Daniel. They set a trap to throw Daniel into the lions' den. They put Daniel in the valley of the shadow of death but the Shepherd of whom I speak protected him (Daniel 6: 19-23).

The Shepherd of whom I speak is anointed (Acts 4:27) and He is not just any anointed one! He walks over the sea and multiplies bread (Matthew 14:25; 15: 34-38); He is the only Mediator between Men and the Living God (1 Timothy 2: 5). He is the only Shepherd who guides the sheep to the New Jerusalem, where justice and total peace abides, and which God will give to those who hope in Him, after destroying this world on the day of His wrath (II Peter 3: 10-13). His name is Jesus Christ.

I’ve just finished preaching! Who is the first to say: I need this Pastor; I want Pastor Jesus to guide my life. If you are that person click here to say the prayer of acceptance. He is at the door and knocks, He is just waiting for your authorization ... Open the door of your life to Jesus!

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