Deserto da Judeia

John 3:16

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There are people who ask? There are people who ask, do you talk so much about Jesus and what do you get out of it? [laughs…]. This is what makes me feel good! Talking about Jesus is like giving me cornmeal cake without cream and natural juice, there is no bad mood that resists. That's why you can insult me ​​for saying that Jesus loves you, I will not stop [laughs ...]. And today I want to talk about the mercy of God, through Christ Jesus.

Read with me John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but have eternal life." We will also read Revelation 20:15 "And he who was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

First I would like to explain the difference between hell or hades and lake of fire.

Hell or hades is a spiritual place very far from here, so much so that in the gap between where we are and that place, something called an abyss forms. It is a place of torment and has a flame (Luke 16:24).

We are body, soul and spirit (I Thessalonians 5:23). Our body is actually a container where our soul and spirit have been allocated. Death is the separation of the spirit and the body (James 2:24). The body is inactive, but our soul remains alive, submitted only to the spiritual world (Luke 16:22), because we can no longer intervene in this human world (Ecclesiastes 9: 5-6).

In other words, our soul feels pain and joy too. In fact, our soul is our intellectual part and the centre of our emotions. When someone slaps you, the pain you feel is for the soul and not the body. The person hit the body, but it is the soul that feels the pain.

Hell is the place to expectation. It is the place where the soul of the unbeliever awaits the final judgment, the one that will happen before the end of the world. Hell is a spiritual place of temporary torment until the date of the final judgment that precedes the end of the world.

translated by SOTRA

Now the lake of fire is the spiritual place of final and eternal torment. It is in the lake of fire where all who do not have their names written in the book of life are going to be thrown (Revelation 20:15). This is the fire furnace; it is the eternal fire. When the soul goes down to that place, it feels pain, a pain that leads to tears and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:42).

These places, God did not prepare them for Man. God prepared this furnace for the Devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). However, sin makes us servants of the Devil (1 John 3: 8a; John 8:34), and consequently leads us to have a share in hell and the lake of fire (Luke 12:46).

But God in his infinite mercy, while we are still sinners, decided to send His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to take upon us our sins and purify us through the shedding of His blood (Isaiah 53: 10-11).

It was a lot of wisdom that God used. It is that with the shedding of the blood of Jesus, there was remission (Hebrews 9:22). Explained in a simple way, with the shedding of blood, Jesus repaired the error of humanity before God. He undid the works of the Devil (1 John 3: 8).

Jesus not only undid the deeds of the Devil, He also crossed out the ballot that condemned you (Colossians 2:14). The ballot that said you must perish in hell because of your works has been crossed out! The ballot that said you must perish in the lake of fire because of your works has been crossed out!


In this way, Jesus freed his soul from hell and the lake of fire and showed the true way that gives access to the God of Israel, saying “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me ”(John 14: 6).

Whoever has access to the Father lives eternally, together with Him in the “future planet” that God will give us: the New Jerusalem, which is the Holy City of pure gold, where there is no pain, neither death, nor tear nor cry ( Revelation 21: 1-4).

Everyone who believes in Him (accepts and follows Jesus) does not perish, but has eternal life. It is finished that the conviction that would come upon you after your death has been cancelled. But for this cancellation to have an effect on your life, you must believe. It is necessary to accept and follow Jesus.

The Bible says "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit" (Romans 8: 1). What is walking according to the spirit? To walk according to the spirit is to approach life according to the teaching of Jesus; He said "the words I have told you are spirit and life" (John 6:63).

I'm done preaching! I've just done what makes me feel good! Who is the first to say: I want to escape condemnation; I want to accept and live in Christ ... who is the person who says: starting today I want to be an active Christian. If you are that person, click here to do the acceptance prayer.

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